Zach Reno vs. The Mountain (Arm Pit)
Zach Reno vs. The Mountain (Arm Pit)
“How’s that smell?” the massive Mountain asks sexy lightweight Zach Reno. “I haven’t showered since last week.”
Nobody suffers like Zach Reno. Nobody. That hunky, hairy face twists and turns in agonized torment as he endures armpit sleepers, long-held corner crushes, and calculated rubbing and face smothering, all in the realm of the Mountain’s epic armpits. In all his many magnificent matches, never has Reno participated in anything so shameless, so sweaty, so staggeringly stenchified. Oddly satisfying, yeah?
Hey, maybe we’re on to something here. Who wants to see an entire series of Pit Stop vids between our wrestlers? Maybe Zach Reno should assume the role of Stench King and pass the punishment on! Thoughts?
Total Run-time: 20 minutes
I so would love to wrestle and be dominated by the mountain. I want my face deep in his pits and he enjoys torturing me with his scent. Make it happen ☺️
Yes! Do an armpit series!!