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Super Lad vs. Dr. Maniacal

Super Lad vs. Dr. Maniacal

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The absolutely insane Dr. Maniacal has finally captured his nemesis, the sexy super hero Super Lad! He carries him into to his Evil Lair and immediately begins his bad ass beat down of the young hero! Choking him with his own cape, while putting his beautiful torso on display, which lets all of us see his amazing abs and perfect pecs. He follows this up with an atomic wedgie up Super Lad’s ass, before making him kiss his boots!

The Evil Doctor maylook crazy, but he knows his wrestling moves and he unleashes his arsenal on Super Lad. Back breakers, crabs, camel clutches and lots more at lightning speed, leave the young hero dazed and confused! But THAT is just the beginning of his evil plan! 

He holds the hero up against his torture rack, puts his magic goggles on and mind controls Super Lad, leaving him totally in his horrible control! 

He demands Super Lad show off his super muscle, and he complies beautifully, running his buff arms down his body, moaning in pleasure as he touches his abs, pinches his nipples and rubbing his hands all over his own beautiful butt! This sends Dr. Maniacal into a frenzy, forcing our hero to bend over and take a super spanking followed by a wedgie that almost sends Super Lad up, up and away! 

This comic adventure is probably one of the sexiest videos you will ever see. Dr. Maniacal lives up to his name, humiliating our sexy Super Lad in ways you’ve never even thought about. Like forcing the Lad to be a chair for the Villain to sit on when he needs a break. Ball torture, muscle worship, bondage ropes, and more and more and more! Super Lad isn’t going to doing many heroic deeds for awhile... except giving us a show you’ll NEVER forget. 

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 30 minutes, 27 seconds

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Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Castigo quente

Adoro vídeos com o super slad, ainda mais quando ele está sendo castigando por vilões. DR MANICAL soube aproveitar do lindo corpo escultural do Super Slad... Gostaria de ver mais vídeos com ele sendo castigando neste estilo porem dando ênfase no castigo e explorado seus belos abdominais. Isso eh excitante e quente demais.

Sexy Unmasking

This was a worthy addition to the hot superhero vs. villain W4H matches! The size difference and juxtaposition of how handsome Super Lad compared to Dr. Maniacal in this video is hot. Dr. Maniacal trash talking and making Super Lad reveal his identity was a highlight, especially the hot and humiliating unmasking. Loved seeing Travis as Super Lad be defeated and sell his hot suffering as a jobber. My only comment is Travis doesn't sell his superhero role, give more dialogue, or follow through on demands of Dr. Maniacal, which could've made this much hotter. Still, this is a very good superhero fantasy match and few superheroes come hotter than Travis as Super Lad.

Andy Trevisan

The videos of yours that I like the most are the ones where a villain manages to humiliate a hero like Dr. Maniacal did with Super Lad. I love these scripts. On top of that, the Wedgies in Super Lad are super-exciting, revealing the hero's toned body, ass and package, leaving him totally at the bad guy's mercy.

Better jobber

Would like to see Ethan as a jobber opponent for dr.maniacal….will wait for it

This was fantastic!

I thought SuperLad was incredible. Great acting! I also thought the shots of SuperLad tied up were really well done. Dr Maniacal is a really cool villain and I love the Hypno aspect! Overall great video!