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Jayden Mayne vs. Nick Justice

Jayden Mayne vs. Nick Justice

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After being defeated by Jayden, I was a bit upset, so I decided he should take on Nick Justice. I felt it was an acceptable punishment for the embarrassment I suffered after the match against Jayden. 

I sent Jayden into the spare room where the wrestling mats were set-up then I sent in one of the best heels I know. Jayden was overwhelmed by Nick, but that didn't stop him from running his mouth to the villain, which proved to be a BIG mistake. Talking shit to a man as vicious and maniacal as the leather-suited slave master isn't the wisest choice. But, then again, no one has ever accused Jayden of being a genius. 

You can help but find pleasure in the punishment that the lean lightweight is taking, especially if you are me. I can be a bit evil and vengeful. This match just proves it to any doubters. I may not be able to defeat you myself, but I've got a whole roster of bad men who don't mind tearing into some fresh meat. 

I think the message was delivered loud-and-clear to Jayden. Our re-match may go a little different than our first bout. I think I'll be getting my hand raised in victory...even if I have to call Mr. Justice to serve up an ass kicking to guarantee my win.

Total Run-time: 21 minutes

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