Hero Torture: The Movie (Part 2)
Hero Torture: The Movie (Part 2)
Great follow up to Part1 and setup for Part 3! Perfect casting and acting. I really liked the mind control angle. Will the second hero fare any better? Tanner is no longer tied down. Will the Maximum Impact wear off so he recovers to fight again? Or will he remain under the control of Destructor - maybe to fight against the second hero? Can the heroes survive and band together as a League of Heroes to fight evil in future movies? Looking forward to what comes next!
This was one of my favorite Hero Hunk videos for many different reasons - 1) it was acted very well, 2) the scene setup was awesome, and 3) the storyline is really starting to pick up! I love this experiment of making a multi-video linear story. It’s got me super invested. Also, I’m always a sucker for a great mind control video. This video had everything you’d want. Would love to see more like this and can’t wait to see part 3!