American Boy vs. Micro Marvel

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American Boy has found the chemicals that Micro Marvel intends to use in his dastardly scheme.  But the villain is nowhere to be found.  Suddenly from behind comes Micro Marvel to deliver a low blow and then rend our hero unconscious with some well-placed chloroform.  Our villain's goal is to keep is enemy unconscious for as long as he can, and so every time that American Boy appears to be coming around, Micro Marvel either applies a hard sleeper hold or forces the chloroform soaked rag back into his face, putting him out once more.
American Boy attempts several defenses but between the unrelenting onslaught of our villain and the dizziness from the chloroform he is just unable and Micro Marvel retains his edge over him.  Not content to just keep him unconscious, Micro Marvel also places our hero in a series of powerful wrestling holds - full nelsons, Boston crabs and more leave our hero screaming in pain.  When even those won't keep our hero down, Micro Marvel puts his power ring on his hand and delivers an incredible left punch to our hero's head.
Our hero seems as though his fate is predetermined.  Will he forever be at the mercy of Micro Marvel?  Or might he find a way to break free from the endless cycle of being knocked unconscious, then awakened, just to be knocked unconscious again.  It doesn't look good for American Boy?  The final indignation is one last act of stuffing the chloroform rag into the helpless hero's face, as he breathes the toxic liquid, draining him of his every will and faculty.   Will anyone come to save our hero?  It doesn't look good!
TOTAL RUN-TIME:  16 minutes, 02 seconds

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Good but needs more erotic ballgrabbing

Good but needs more erotic ballgrabbing

Wall to wall knockouts!

It’s been a while since Hero Hunks made a video like this one. American Boy vs. Micro Marvel is certainly making up for lost time. Our muscular hero is too naive and unprepared for the sick fantasies of his much smaller nemesis.

American Boy gets pounded, sleepered and chloro’d into dreamland again and again and again. From the start, this smooth-skinned athlete is instantly transformed into Micro Marvel's rag doll.

Both hero and villain are outstanding in their roles. This video was obviously created by a KO fan for KO fans.

Will Micro Marvel sentence other lean muscle jobbers to the same fate? Will American Boy’s weakness be revealed and exploited by other villains? I certainly hope so on both counts!

never knew...

Never knew that Javier was such a MIghty Mouse!
Looking forward to watching the whole match!

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