2021 Nominations Have Begun
I've received a few emails and I think it is time to bring back the Year End Awards.
Let's start with the categories...
-Favorite Wrestler
-Favorite Match
-Favorite Heel
-Favorite Jobber
-Favorite Secret (Nude) Video
-Best Arms
-Best Abs
-Best Legs
-Best Butt
-Best Smile
-Future Champion
Hero Hunks
-Favorite Villain
-Favorite Hero
-Favorite Hero Hunks Video
-Best Super Power
Bro Battle
-Favorite Bro
-Favorite Match Location
-Favorite Muscle
NHB Fights
-Favorite Wrestler
-Favorite Match
Oil Bash
-Sexiest Match
Comment below with your nominations or send me an email with the SUBJECT LINE "2021 Nominations"
-Favorite Wrestler: Christian Thorn
-Favorite Match: Christian Thorn vs Seth Borden (Ring)
-Favorite Heel: Christian Thorn
-Favorite Jobber: Travis
-Favorite Secret (Nude) Video: None (Christian Thorn isn’t in any of them)
-Best Arms: Christian Thorn
-Best Abs: Christian Thorn
-Best Legs: Christian Thorn
-Best Butt: Christian Thorn
-Best Smile: Christian Thorn
-Future Champion: Christian Thorn
Hero Hunks
-Favorite Villain: Tsunami
-Favorite Hero: Super Lad
-Favorite Hero Hunks Video: Tsunami vs Wing Boy
-Best Super Power: Super Strength
Bro Battle
-Favorite Bro: Christian Thorn
-Favorite Match Location: Bedroom
-Favorite Muscle: Biceps
NHB Fights
-Favorite Wrestler: Christian Thorn
-Favorite Match: Christian Thorn vs Travis
Oil Bash
-Sexiest Match: Christian Thorn vs Blake Starr
I vote for the superiority of the great Christian Thorn in all categories hands down.
-Favorite Wrestler: Scrappy
-Favorite Match: Cameron vs Rendell Zebu
-Best Arms: Travis
-Best Abs: Blake Starr
-Best Legs: Joey Nux
-Best Butt: Cameron
-Best Smile: Scrappy
Hero Hunks
-Favorite Villain: Dr. Maniacal
-Favorite Hero: White Wolf
-Favorite Hero Hunks Video: White Wolf vs Black Kobra
-Best Super Power: Super Strength
My votes for Garrett Thomas in all of it.
hoping u guys get more nude and oil matches. not much to vote from. Zach Reno vs. Blake Starr nude oil would be fun.