In a bustling metropolis, Dark Detective, clad in shadows of mystery, was the epitome of justice. With his keen intellect and relentless determination, he had spent years putting criminals behind bars, ensuring the safety of the citizens. His sidekick, Detective Lad, was a young and eager hero, always ready to stand by his mentor's side in the fight against crime.
But lately, a shadow loomed over justice. The city commissioner's leniency towards criminals had Dark Detective seething with frustration and anger. Despite his tireless efforts, it seemed like his work was all for nothing as the villains he apprehended walked free, their sinister grins mocking his sense of justice.
One night, as Dark Detective paced the dimly-lit confines of their headquarters, Detective Lad approached him, concern etched on his youthful face.
"Dark Detective, you need to calm down," Detective Lad said, his voice steady but tinged with worry. "Getting worked up like this won't help anyone."
But Dark Detective's temper flared, and he snapped at his sidekick, his frustration boiling over. "Shut your mouth, Lad! You don't understand what it's like to see these criminals slip through the cracks, to watch them roam the streets freely while we struggle to uphold the law."
Detective Lad recoiled, hope flashing in his eyes. He had always looked up to Dark Detective, admired his unwavering dedication to justice. But seeing his mentor like this, consumed by anger and despair, was disheartening.
Dark Detective's frustration soon took a darker turn. In his moment of rage, he began to lash out at Detective Lad, his blows fueled by his pent-up emotions. As the altercation escalated, Detective Lad found himself pinned against the wall, the weight of Dark Detective's anger bearing down on him.
Dark Detective is relentless against his protege. He begins to get aroused at this man-handling of the younger hero. The action is spread all over the heroes headquarters and turns into a more sexual experience between the two with Detective Lad tasting the long dong of the law!
Amidst the chaos, something shifted. Dark Detective's relentless assault was replaced by a different kind of intensity...and a little relief at being serviced by his cohort!
TOTAL RUN-TIME: 23 minutes, 27 seconds