Year End Award Nominations, My birthday & who knows what
It's Saturday night, I'm laying in bed @ 8:30 writing this blog.
My throat has been sore for 4 or 5 days now and I've only had temporary relief when I utilize some throat numbing cough drops. I look forward to this going away...whatever it is.
Seems like a perfect time to do a little blogging. I'm almost settled back in Florida. It's nice to be mowing a lawn instead of shoveling snow. Just bought my Christmas tree today...a real one, so I have that piney holiday scent filling the room.
I'm just about finished going through my holiday cards and I'm halfway through 1200 e-mails that I've finally found the time to respond to. If I you haven't heard from me, please give me another week to catch up then follow up as I'm trying to tackle a mountain right now.
I stopped by the NWA wrestling event in Sarasota last weekend - which may be wear I gathered this sore throat. Who knows?
It's always awesome seeing the big league production set-ups. The lights, the cameras and all of it. I had access to the backstage areas, which is always neat - no matter how long I've been in the wrestling "business."
For sure, there is nothing like the intimacy and passion on a small indy wrestling event, but I'm a sucker for the big league feel.
I saw some of my peers from Florida area indy events on the show and although sometimes they don't always have the big league gear or look, the production and set up makes them feel like a bigger star.
The place was pretty packed. Almost a thousand fans, which is more than what I've seen at TNA Impact Wrestling when I've been to their events and that was surprising considering they don't immediately jump to mind as a major brand when I think about big league wrestling.
I definitely wanna do something similar to that. There are plenty of good indy wrestlers around the country and, even, in Florida that would look great on a higher production event. I'm not claiming I'll be the next big league - simply, I wanna bring back a high quality wrestling promotion with good looking athletes who aren't being fully utilized elsewhere and who can give that classic wrestling feel.
If you're in Florida, let me know and I'll put you on a list to notify when I run an event. It'll be a small audience thing. I'm thinking 50 people or so, but a classic studio wrestling/territory feel.
If I recall correctly, it's been 2 years since we've done Wrestler4Hire award voting and I think it's time we do it again.
Let's count anything that has happened in the last 2 years. So anything in 2022 or 2023 qualifies for this years voting and nominations. I'd like to get some unique, fun categories too, so throw some wild stuff at me.
For now, we'll use these categories to get us cookin'...
-Best W4H Ring Match
-Best NHB Fights Match
-Sexiest Oil Wrestling Match
-Best Hero Hunks Video
-Favorite Heel @ W4H
-Favorite Jobber @ W4H
-Top Newcomer/Rookie
-Future Champion
-Baddest Villain
-Favorite Superhero
-Hottest Body
What else should we add? Comment below or shoot me your nominations & ideas to info@wrestler4hire.com
We are 2 weeks away from my birthday. I've been making big plans for December 9th - TWO BIG NAPS. A nice relaxing day. Limited work stuff and lots of relaxation.
That's the plan, but who knows. It's a Saturday and I'm in the warm weather of the Southern USA, so plans may change. I may wander over to the beach or sneak off to Dave & Buster's to play a bunch of games.
I don't know. What do people do for birthdays once they hit middle age? Isn't it weird? I've been on the underground wrestling scene since I was barely 19 years old back in 2005 and almost 20 years later, I'm still floating around. And when you think of how long I've been on the pro indy scene (since I was like 14/15 years old), I've been around the pro wrestling scene for most my life.
It's odd that I'm not as active in the wrestling world as I used to be. It's pretty much been my life for my whole life.
Last year on my birthday I was at Impact Wrestling in South Florida hoping to get a spot as a jobber to one of their stars. As the clock winds down on my career in the ring, I gotta find another way to get my creativity out. Lately, it's been yard work and creating wacky wrestling videos. I don't know.
What do you do when you stop chasing your dreams of being a big league superstar wrestler?
I don't want this to sound morbid, I've been very lucky and I have a very solid life. I guess I just need a new fulfilling hobby that doesn't give me a beer belly.
It's time for the annual fundraiser for my hometown. Every year, I try to raise some extra money to donate to the community for heating assistance. Every year we've been able to do a little more than the previous. I'm very unsure about this year though.
There's a lot going on and money doesn't stretch as far as it has in some years...and I hate asking for people to donate, and even more so, I don't want anyone to go without just to support the fundraiser.
With that said, if you've got a spare dollar or 2 and are inclined to help a small community in middle of nowhere Maine then please consider joining this cause. It's part of a non-profit so the donation is deductible from your taxes and I will be matching at least $3000 to the fundraiser, if not more.
Here is the link - https://gofund.me/2ab7fbee
1 comment
Happy almost-birthday Champ! That old photo of you getting pantsed sustained my urges for a good while, not gonna lie.