Where do I go from here?

Where do I go from here?

It's starting to get steamy here in Florida. High 80s to 90 degrees plus. I like the summer months...even though Florida is almost always summer weather, there's something about the actual summer months - June, July & August. 

There's always the springtime prepping for the summer. When I lived up north, it would be yard work, picking up branches that fell throughout the winter during storms, planting some spring flowers, getting around to outdoor projects without freezing your buns off...all that good stuff. It's a little different down here in Florida. Anytime is a good time to do outdoor stuff...except summertime. Almost always gonna get hit with a passing rain storm, but as of now, it hasn't rained more than a sprinkle in what feels like 6 months. 

I've been cleaning up around the house and wrestling studio with some help from my friends.

Had my buddy, Tanner Ripley come by to spruce the place up a bit. Got rid of the broken windows that weren't doing much but keeping the rain out. I tried to help out, but I'm almost useless with construction beyond some super simple stuff. I'm a good laborer though. I'll carry the heavy stuff and get you a sandwich for sure. 

Scrappy even put on the tool belt to do some dirty work. 

I've taken a bigger interest in making Hero Hunks more so lately and decided I needed some more comic book/superhero settings to film. I told you that I built a jail cell, but I'm adding to it. I've got a hospital bed and some medical stuff, so I'm thinking I need some type of mad scientist or evil doctor. 

Any insight on some interesting or must-haves for superhero setting ideas, please send 'em my way. Hell, maybe I'll make a full-length feature about Superheroes fighting. That could be cool!

I'll be meeting up with Tanner & Bronco next week to film some custom matches. If you want to get in on the shoot send me an email info@wrestler4hire.com. We may even be able to get Blake Starr or Scrappy or Jacob Van Acker or Javier The Hunk to swing by for a match or 2 if they're on your fantasy list.

After that, I'm gonna head north for a little bit. My annual Interstate 95 trip...looking to leave after Memorial Day with stops in South Carolina, maybe a side trek to Asheville (NC) to see those lightning bugs I've wanted to catch, a day in the Philly area with Ethan Andrews then maybe to see a character I know in New Jersey before arriving in New England. 

I'll spend some time in Maine where I've already committed to 3 pro wrestling events - 2 in Maine (one on the 4th of July) and another in Boston at a major sports stadium. At some point, I'll relax...hopefully. 

Not sure the plan after I hit Maine. Something tells me I need to trek out west to California & Utah this summer. Hit up Yosemite and do a shoot in Los Angeles. Another whisper in the wind says I should finally get back to England. Quebec City has always been a favorite of mine and it's due for a visit. I had a wacky idea presented to me for October in Chicago which sounds fun. I may sell my house and wander like a gypsy for awhile.

Where would you send a lad like me? Any places I should avoid? 

I think I'll always bounce back-and-forth to Florida, but I think I've been home too much lately. 

Feels like a lot more has happened in the last 5 weeks than I'm sharing, but maybe life just feels redundant when you look back on it.

How about you share your favorite advice or wisdom or quote that makes you feel something in the comments section? I'd dig that.

WRESTLEFRAT has been on fire lately. Do yourself a favor and check out this BEAUTIFUL oil wrestling match.

PS: I have been doing some smaller film shoots for Wrestler4Hire and Hero Hunks and I'm planning to take WrestleFrat a little bit more erotic in the VERY near future. Something I think that has been absent in the W4H brand.

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Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.


If you’re looking to head west, you know I’m always going to recommend Colorado. It gets warm here in Denver but we don’t have the humidity from back east. Plus, it’s a short drive up into the mountains to escape the heat and enjoy cooler but comfortable temps and high country fun. You and your guys are always welcome here!

Tim M.

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