Weekend Fun in NYC and upcoming trip to Los Angeles
Spent a long weekend in NYC with some friends prior to the shoot on Saturday. Flew in Thursday afternoon and went out that night with the group in Manhattan. To say it was a wild night is in understatement…and we didn’t stop until hours after the sun came up.
The next afternoon we wandered around the Metropolitan Museum. Some great paintings in there. I wandered away from my group, so I could go on the prowl for the paintings of Van Gogh & Monet. Caught a local comedy show that evening in Queens that was a good time. Accidentally stayed too long and caught the second show of the evening…..definitely not as entertaining as the first show.
Rise-and-shine, bright-and-early to take our wrestling convoy to the middle of Long Island where we’d be shooting. I was very pleased with what came out of the shoot. Found a new hot stud for the site and Zach Altovito returned, looking as good as ever.
Had a lot of bigger guys for this shoot. Trying to organize things a little more, so matches can be more specific to tastes. Don’t worry, I’ll also keep doing the stuff I’ve become known for. My friends and I shot a few different types of scenes. Pro Wrestling, of course. Also, worked on some locker room matches and sneak attacks before the big match. Found a couple minutes to shoot some tickling videos. Anxious to get it all edited so I can get it ready to release ASAP.
Had a few guys not able to make it, including Tyler Royce who was terribly ill. Best wishes to him for a speedy recovery. Hope he doesn’t miss any ring time.
Shoot coming up on December 6th in Los Angeles featuring a more All-American look
-Cali Boy (fka Lorenzo)
-Ace Owens
-Lucky Larson
Looking to add one or two more guys for this shoot in the next couple of days. Perhaps, Jobe Zander or AJ Irons or….I don’t know…is Kyle Bradford still around that area?
Send your custom requests and ideas for this shoot to me via email info@wrestler4hire.com
Let’s see…is there anything else? Everything on the site should be functional. Let me know if there are any concerns or questions. I’ll be having the search program tweaked for additional searchability (is that a word?)
I’m also piecing together a shoot for Florida in December. I should have that finalized by this weekend, so I’ll blog or send a newsletter with those wrestlers and a date.