W4HMax.com is live!

W4HMax.com is live!

Finally, after months and months of work, I was finally able to launch W4HMax.com

Don’t worry Wrestler4Hire is still going to be up and the quality of the matches and wrestlers will continue to improve. This new site W4H Max is a way to showcase a bit more graphic matches whether that be showing more skin or being more provocative with the action. So give it a look-see and let me know your thoughts.

I’ve released 6 videos and will be releasing more in a “catalog” style. Meaning, I will release batches of videos at one time, instead of updating daily or every other day. Make sure you sign up for the EMAIL LIST, so you don’t miss out on any updates.

I am planning a shoot for W4H Max on November 26th in Tampa. I’m not sure I will be accepting custom video requests for that shoot, however, I most definitely am looking for feedback and suggestions for the new site. Shoot me an email with any thoughts (good and bad) info@wrestler4hire.com

Expect the Jock Tickle site to be up in December or early January. I’ve gotten some good feedback and I’m planning to shoot some more tickle themed wrestling videos for it in the next few weeks.

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1 comment

Saw 1 of ur vids was uploaded to a site for free, just wanted to let you know. Here’s the site, its called Vk.com: https://m.vk.com/video844817501_456239022?from=video

Vant Dockey

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