W4H Power Rankings
So I have been asked by Cameron to do a ranking of the Top 10 wrestlers in the Wrestler4Hire stable. I told him I will give it my best shot.
Here are the rules I have decided to abide by:
1) Wrestlers are ranked based on a number of factors -
a) appearance
b) wrestling ability
c) in ring presence
d) win/loss record and
e) intangibles (some wrestlers just seem to have that "thing", where although they may not have any of the previous 4 factors, just seem to have "it" when it comes to maybe the camera loving them, or their ability to suffer, or whatever "it" is.)
2) Last but most important, this is MY list and will be subjective. Yours may (and should) be different. I invite comments listing your Top 10.
One more thing, I will try and only include wrestlers who are currently (or recently) seen on the site. As much as it pains me, Alex Oliver will not be on the list.
So, in reverse order, here is my Top 10:
#10 - Zach Reno - there is something to be said for the scrappy littler guy who knows not only his way around a ring, but also how to make wrestlers much bigger than him suffer at his every whim. Zach is such a guy. He can be slippery as hell in the ring to pin down, and yet, he is able to control men much larger than him. He definitely has the "it" I referred to before, and he knows how to fill his trunks (a definite plus).
#9 - Cash - Anyone who has seen Cash in the Bro Battle fights that occur by the swimming pool know that he definitely belongs on this list. At the same time confident yet cocky, he seemingly has all the right attributes to shoot up this list very quickly. A man who obviously knows his way around a weight room, it helps when your body can back up the checks your mouth may be cashing. More please!
#8 - Travis - Travis is probably the newest grappler on the list, however, in my mind, he (and Blake Starr) have the most impressive physiques. Perfectly sculpted as if he stepped off a pedestal, killer good looks, it is only a matter a time before he rockets up the chart should he decide to continue to take on W4H best.
#7 - Drew Harper - Drew has certainly made a big splash in the underground wrestling world in the last 12 months. He seems very comfortable in all the different types of videos on the W4H site. While my liking does not yet rise to the individuals higher on this list, I am confident that the more exposure we get to him, the higher he will rise.....and who else could really play a Captain America type hero other than Drew?
#6 - Blake Starr - for my money, no one has a more proportioned body than Blake Starr. He is sculpted, but flexible,...toned, but not overly muscular. The perfect specimen of a man. And a smile to die for! He has really taken to underground wrestling, and can suffer with the best of them. The improvements he has made since his debut are solid....he just needs to develop that heel persona and he will continue to climb the list!
#5 - DJ Beckham Jr. - is there anybody else in the W4H group that seems to enjoy playing the sadistic heel more than DJ Beckham Jr.? If there is, I have yet to see them. A pleasure to watch no matter what type of match he is in, but when he gets to let loose and truly play it up he is certainly at his best. Hopefully we get to see more of that kind of work in the future.
#4 - Joey Nux - In my humble opinion, the best big man currently in the W4H stable. There are few big wrestlers who can make me watch so intently whether or not they are totally dominating a smaller guy or (and to my liking), getting dominated by a smaller wrestler. He takes the punishment and totally makes his smaller opponents seem that much more dangerous just by the way he plays them up. A true skill to be able to do that.
#3 - Elite Elliot - here is my pick for person who I think may most fly under the radar. Elite has many years of professional wrestling under his belt, and it definitely serves him well. And a great body to boot? Check. He brings all of his many years of pro and underground wrestling to every match, whether jobber or heel and gives it 100%!!!
#2 - Scrappy - there are few people who can seem to so seamlessly flow from a heel to a jobber better than Scrappy. Add in his ability to work in each of the aspects of the Wrestler4Hire group of videos (Hero Hunks, Oil, NHB) and you can see why I have him at the top of the list. Take a look at any of the videos where he is either totally dominated (I suggest Scrappy vs. Golden Terror w/Cameron) or any of the Hero Hunks videos where he is hypnotized and mind controlled.
#1 - Cameron Mathews - could anyone but the Champ be at the top? I know, many of you will say how seemingly unfair it is that Cameron is at the top of the power ranking on the site he owns. I acknowledge and accept your criticism, but I also would challenge anyone to argue his placement at the top of the list. He ticks all the boxes, he is a true force in the ring, whether as the heel or getting beat upon, his performance is second to none. I think perhaps having a nearly 2 decade history of pro/independent/underground wrestling has given him such an advantage over every one else. He not only commands the ring when he is there, he can also vastly improve the performance of his opponent, which a true ring professional does. Oh, and does he have a tremendous body? You bet. How about the way his trunks fit? Whether from the front or the rear, he has me drooling. So unfair to put him at the top? Possibly. Does he belong to be there? Absolutely.
So there you have it. Again, welcome any and all comments (keeping in mind that once again, this is subjective and you will have a different list).
It is a travesty that Christian Thorn is not on your list! He should be ranked at least un the top three!
Totally agree that Scrappy must always be ranked at the top. Best body in the business, gives 110 % in every match, and appears to be a great guy. I hope he keeps wrestling on this site and others.
For me, the sexiest wrestler on any site is Joey Angel. He will always be my top pick for any list. I just hope he does more matches. Nobody looks as good wearing nothing but trunks as he does. Just my opinion….
I completely disagree with the list, but busted out laughing at #1. It’s the only ranking I agree with, and I would’ve done the same if I was assembling this list- what fool doesn’t vote for themselves, right?!
Agree with Neal Christian Thorn under the criteria should be at or near the top.