Today was the day

So today was supposed to be the day, which I had new content loaded on the site and some adjustments made. Well, “the best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry.” I have all the trailers and photos ready to go…and all the matches/videos, too. Okay, with the exception of one, which is on a small cassette that I need to convert…and a few from England that I had produced that I’m kind of unhappy with, but I’ll handle those while I’m across the Atlantic in a few days.

I have a phone call with Ron Sexton tomorrow to add the content to the web site. So I’d say it’ll be available by tomorrow evening. So when  you get back to work from your weekend there will be some fresh content. These ones are the videos that I’m most proud of and I think you’ll enjoy the most.

The other few adjustments will be made during this weekend as well. I think you will be very happy…ecstatic about the new ideas I have.

I leave for England on Tuesday evening and arrive early Wednesday morning. It’ll be a fun trip. Jonny and I always have a blast together. We plan to hit several countries and experience some cool shit. Anyone have any tips on things to see or do within the following countries: England, Ireland, Wales, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and anything else nearby? I’ve been to the UK several times, but I’m always open to see new sights.

I’ll be hanging with a few friends this weekend and family this weekend before I leave, but  I’ll be answering e-mails right up until my flight leaves. So if you want to give me some pointers, advice or maybe just to meet up then don’t be shy…say hi

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