That time of the year
Well, It’s late May and that means that sunny Florida is getting too warm for me. It has been 95 degrees the last couple weeks. I’ve enjoyed it and am glad summer has arrived. With that said, I’m ducking out of Florida for less warm climates. Northern New England here I come!
I will be leaving for the 1200+ mile trek tomorrow morning. I’ll mostly be traveling the I-95 roads, but I may be willing to veer off course for a match if it works out for both of us. Below is my itinerary…
May 27th – Orlando to South Carolina
May 28th – South Carolina to Philadelphia/NYC
May 29th/30th – New York City to Boston
I’ll likely be making an afternoon/early evening stop in Richmond, Virginia for a little break from the driving on May 28th. I also have a little time for last minute match or 2, so shoot me an email if you’re along my route. If not, I’ll be sitting in my hotel room working on some final website items that need to be done before June 1st.
I’ve been busy getting the website ready with lots of new matches. 42 to be exact! They will be releasing over the next few months. I plan to hold off on shooting until late July or August. Tentative roster is looking like this: Guido Genatto, Ace Owens, Aaron Lopez, Drago, Braden Charron, Zach Reno, Teddy Trouble, Zach Altovito, Chet Chastain, Cam Zagucci, Tyler Royce and I’ll probably hop in for some matches since I’ve been doing well on my diet and in the gym. Let me know if you’d like to set up a custom match or have some ideas for matches you’d like to see at that shoot info@wrestler4hire.com

Hope you’ve enjoyed all the new wrestlers on the site. I’m going to keep seeking out fresh faces. It’s hard to bring in new faces when the current roster has so many GREAT wrestlers and models on it. I’ll work to sprinkle in some to keep things from getting stale.
I will be hanging around the Northeast off-and-on most of the summer. Planning some trips to Boston, Montreal, NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles and London. Also, looking to hit Germany this September with some friends. May even check out Thailand & Vietnam with a friend or 2 since it seem very reasonably priced. I’ve never been to an Asian country so It’ll be a first for me. Maybe jump over to Tokyo, I mean it’s on the way right?
Gonna get lots of ring time while I’m up north and I think I’ll even wrestle on some live public events, too. In between all my nights fishing
I’ll be taking a full week off (as much “off” as I can) from June 1st to June 8th. I’ll check the email for any problems that need immediate assistance but everything else will be on cruise control. I’ll be looking to get out in nature, do some exploring, maybe do something crazy. Learn to fly a plane seems like a cool idea. Something to refresh my mind and get me ready for some ideas I’d like to tackle. Always good to re-charge your batteries, I think. Thanks for understanding.
That’s the update for now. I gotta finish packing up my car for the 3 day trip North…maybe 4 or 5 days depending on how much wrestling I decided to do.