Summertime Blues

Summertime Blues

Not enough fishing. Not enough swimming. Not enough BBQing. I miss when Summertime was all about staying up late, watching trash TV and running around with your friends. This summer has been non-stop...or at least it seems. I finally forced myself to slow down the last week or so.


Had a few friends come up for the 4th of July holiday weekend, but didn't have much time to hang out as I had to prep my ring for takedown and set-up at the local Community Festival. My buddy runs the event and asked if I would put on some wrestling for them. It was a stressful time - the EXACT OPPOSITE of how I like my Independence Day. I really get into 2 holidays - that's Christmas & the days around July 4th...even my bday isn't as popular with me as those days (or times of year).

Anyway, the event was more stressful than I would've liked. It was a beautiful summer day, not too hot, but the wrestlers seemed to not take the event as serious as I thought they should. Now I get it, it's a small town 4th of July community days style event. A few hundred people, but we were the entertainment. All eyes were on us and this was a good opportunity to showcase what we do in front of people who don't typically have this experience. 

The highlight was when I was ARRESTED BY THE COPS! I've always been a fan of old-school wrestling stunts - a wrestler ripping up a fans sign, a wild drunk fan jumping in the ring and the bad guy wrestlers getting escorted out of the building in handcuffs. Originally I figured I'd be the good guy (the babyface) since I actually spent a few good years of my childhood just a mile from the fairgrounds. In fact, I won Most Serious Expression when I was a baby. That's right - I was a champion from the start :) If you get a chance check out my pro wrestling twitter (but please be appropriate) to see the picture of me getting lifted in the air and handcuffed at the event. My buddy has some video footage and a drone shot of it. When I get some time I'll put it together for you to see.


I had a lot to do the next day as I made the 8 hour drive (of course, it took longer than that) to Upstate New York to do some "extra work" at a big league wrestling promotion. I didn't get to wrestle, which was a bit surprising to be honest. Hopefully next time - and hopefully sooner than later. I'm running out of miles on these boots. 

I did spend about 10 hours wandering around backstage, getting professional photos taken, eating some top quality catering and having many awkward interactions. I'm not sure if it was the annoyance of strangers coming up to you or the lack of social skills or maybe it's just the "business" but it made me giggle (and sometimes sad) that some of these guys went out of their way to turn away when someone went to say hello or acknowledge them in passing. 

Spent most the night in and out of the catering room or filling seats. I gotta tell ya, if this wrestling thing doesn't work out then I'm gonna go pro at being a fan. If you get a chance to see any of the episodes I was seat-filling on then you'll see me HOOTIN-AND-HOLLERING!

Was a cool experience even got to sit next to a WRESTLING LEGEND that I watched as a kid while watching the TV show live backstage. The 16+ hour drive there and back was brutal. 2 Nights in a hotel. No ring time. It burnt me out. I think next I wanna do movie or television show work. Do you know how to go about that?


Since then it's been a week plus of recovering and being lazy with the exception of one other pro wrestling booking against a couple friends. It was easy. It was fun. It was a good time. 

I'm just getting back around to getting back into work mode - even did a shoot in Las Vegas with a couple new guys. I think you'll like these guys. 


The rest of the summer is gonna include some fishing, some more shoots and some wrestling. We'll have the ring back up in my backyard next week for more practice time with friends. I've been getting a TON of new gear for pro and hero stuff, so this fall I plan to do more with that.

As well, I'll be doing some small events around New England before coming back to the Tampa area this Fall where I plan to do weekly events in October under a Halloween theme. Any ideas to make this better? 


Recently, I was emailed by a reporter/journalist about an article he was doing about "Jobbers." He mentioned he found some videos on YouTube and found the comments section intriguing. He had a few questions that I gave terrible answers to, so maybe you can tell me what it is about the JOBBER WORLD that is appealing or that attracted you into it.

Or maybe he's already got the answers in the article. I mean Sean Pford gave his insight and I trust his opinion often. 

Input Magazine Article -


We have finished the First Round in the Chase For The Championship Series. 8  Elite Competitors have been reduced to the Final Four. Some hot debuts in Round 1, but I can promise you the action and intensity heats up in Round 2. Chase Sinn is a World-Class pro wrestler who easily has the most wrestling knowledge of the remaining contenders. He'll take on Drew Harper in Round 2. Drew has come in burning hot on the underground wrestling scene and has picked up a lot of knowledge. However, he'll not be able to match Chase in the skill department so he'll have to rely on strength, power and some youthful exuberance to squeak into the Finals for the W4H Championship.

I think we are all aware of Gabe Steele's strengths, but I know his weaknesses and I plan to exploit them in Round 2 when we square off. Hell, I've also been holding back against these others. Some real competition may wake me up and reveal what has been hidden inside me for too long - ANOTHER LEVEL! Gabe can bring all his dirty tricks and his amazing attire - but it's gonna take more than looking pretty and studying a few episodes of GLOW to beat me.

Round 2 will go through the Autumn and we will have a W4H Champion crowned by Christmas with the custom-made one-of-a-kind Championship Belt!

 Who is your pick to win W4H Championship?

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I vehemently disagree with your self assessment of your interview answers in Input Magazine. Your answers were well developed, presented articulately, very insightful, and refreshingly candid.

It is a sensitive topic. You handled it truthfully but with respect and compassion for fans who enjoy those type of matches.


PLEASE come back and do a wrestling taping in the Philly/South Jersey area!


Chase Sinn could be a spoiler. Dude has the experience.


Can’t wait to see that footage of you being arrested. The pics are already good!


It was the first match released in the series I think – CHECK IT OUT :)


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