Productivity is WAY up!

Productivity is WAY up!

Wow! A lot has gone on since my last blog post…

-I’m finishing up both my NEW websites (Jock Tickle & W4H Max) and expect to launch both by November 11th, but don’t quote me on that. Last time, I planned to launch I ran into a little snag and had to set things back. The content on Jock Tickle is a bit light, but it’s a decent start. W4H Max will likely do a “Catalog-style” release formula. I’ll be shooting more for both sites this month. Just a few

-I’ve found about 12 matches that I forgot I had. I shoot so many videos that sometimes I forget that I have them. Always a nice surprise when you find one or two…or a dozen, especially when they are great matches.

-Also, purchased 4 oil wrestling videos from my friend featuring Scrappy, Blake Starr & Dashing Dustin. There’s also a video of Batman & Robin rolling around in oil. I’m working to get those done this weekend and ready for the site.

-Sold both my wrestling rings. Did some TLC to one. Painted it, fixed the ropes and turnbuckle pads, bought some new boards…nothing too fancy. I enjoyed that. Had them set-up in my friends yard for a few days, so played around with some wrestlers. Thinking once I launch the two new sites that I’ll be making it a regular thing, as there are plenty of rings and schools in my area that I could attend.

-Been reading quite a bit, too. Had to get away from all the screen time. Finished reading WWE Superstar and 1st Intercontinental Champion, Pat Patterson’s book. Was a quick read. Finished it in 2 sessions. Enjoyed hearing how he was accepted by nearly everyone in pro wrestling. I’m certain it wasn’t easy being gay in such a macho business in the 60s and 70s…hell, even the 90s and early 2000s. I’m glad he was able to change some minds along the way. His relationship with his partner, Louie, was inspiring, as well. Was hoping there’d be a few more juicy stories and some behind-the-scenes secrets, but overall, I thought it was a solid read. Definitely don’t regret reading it. I won tickets to a Meet-and-Greet that he’ll be at on Saturday near Tampa, but the timing doesn’t work out right for me to attend. Shoot me an e-mail if you’re local and would like to attend. I’ll give you my ticket!

-With the little additional screen time that I have had away from work has been the Greco-Roman World Championships on the Olympic Channel. Some great matches. Makes me wanna get back on the mat, even if not competitively then definitely for the cardio and muscle building. Not sure there’s any sport as intense as Olympic-style wrestling. I’ll be looking forward to watching the NCAA Tournaments this Spring.

-Bought some new wrestling gear and boots. The boots remind me of “Texas Tornado” Kerry Von Erich’s boots. White with red tassels/fringe.

-My travel schedule is a bit wacky right now. I was supposed to be going to Los Angeles & Dallas/Austin (Texas), but I’ve been so focused on work that I let that slip to the back burner. I’m still planning to go, but it seems like it’ll be in December or January.

I’ll be in the Northeast around Christmas (NYC & Boston). I won’t have a ton of free time, but I could be up for a match or two. I’m going to try to not to work too much during the Holiday and enjoy the time with family and friends, but I’m planning to shoot some videos. I’ve got a new guy up in Providence and I gotta get Chet Chastain back in some new videos.

Wanted to do London around January, as well. Can anyone tell me how cold it’ll be during that time? Maybe Spring would be better. Also, wanna hop over to Germany and some other European countries.

Japan is on my list. I’m looking at late-May. Any tips? Advice? Suggestions? Wanna wrestle me there?

-Saturday, November 3rd, I’m doing a small shoot featuring Austin Cooper, Jaxton Wheeler and 2 new guys. One is a smaller Hispanic wrestler whom my buddy met through the gym. The other a Midwestern dude who has lots of high school wrestling experience. I’m looking forward to shooting matches with both. I’ll post some pics after the shoot, as I’d hate to show you these guys to only find out they couldn’t make it. Here’s to hoping they both show up (I’m sure they will).

-Oh yeah, I sent out a newsletter with a super risque match. Check your e-mail, so you can hear about it…or shoot me an e-mail and I’ll fill you in on it.

That’s about it. I’m going to get back to being productive. I’ll be away from my computer this weekend, so I plan to handle all my e-mails before I go off the radar.

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