Ouch - I'm a sore loser!
I guess you win some and you lose some, but over the last 10 days or so, I've been put through the wringer and feel like a loser especially considering I lost more often than I won.
It started with 2 matches Thursday on a cold Florida evening. I know, it's not that cold, but still - wrestling in 50 degree weather is rough....and it was even worse the next day as I wrestled in what felt like the coldest outdoor event I ever wrestled on right next to a Central Florida lake.
The suplexes and body slams start to add up extra fast when your body is that cold. Reminded me of some of the matches I had on cold days in England and Scotland, but at least those were protected from the elements.
Over 5 days, I competed in 13 matches (maybe more) and my body is definitely feeling it. Some days we'd do 3 or 4 matches. I lost count. I don't know if this is a record number of pro matches for me, but it's definitely up there and (surprise surprise) my body doesn't heal up as fast as it used to.
In my very last match, I caught a mean right hand to the eye that swelled up immediately. The crowd enjoyed it! I, on the other hand, am still feeling it almost a week later.
I took 2 days off before heading out to be an "extra" at a wrestling tv show. It's cool seeing how the big leagues do things and getting to bump into old faces from the years I was full-time on the scene, as well as make friends (probably more like acquaintances) with some new dudes.
HUGE DEATH in pro wrestling last week. I had met Jay a few times either on events I was wrestling on or at events where I was visiting friends. We weren't friends but he was always warm to me and everyone around. On top of that, he seemed to be a great father. One of my favorite modern day performers in the ring and on the mic. Definitely a big loss.
Wow! I meant to share this awhile ago, but I've been so overwhelmed and exhausted that I kept moving it down my to-do list.
A few weeks ago, I mailed a check for $6700 to my old hometown's Community Action Program to help with heating assistance for the locals. I spoke briefly to the director and she let me know it was the perfect timing as they had an influx of applications for heating assistance this season.
So, I know I've thanked everyone individually for supporting and donating to the cause, however, I'd like to share my appreciation once more for everyone and anyone who donated or simply shared the link.
Next up, scholarship season. Last year, I was able to do 3 so I'm hoping to do the same this year. Do people go to college anymore? Maybe this scholarship idea is obsolete. Any alternative ideas for educational sponsorships?
Not sure what's next for me. The dude that I share my wrestling space with finally moved out, so I've cleaned up his mess recently. Still have a bunch of stuff to get rid of and clean out. If anyone is near Clearwater/St. Pete and wants to give me a hand, let me know. I've got 2 big ass vaults/safes to move, but a wall needs to come down. This dude left them behind to be my headache and I'm no carpenter.
I'd like to start hosting live pro wrestling events. Something like a night club event or secret speakeasy. I'm not sure the rules on that.
I'm also gonna continue to ply my wrestling craft on the indy scene for the next few months with the hopes that one of the national TV wrestling companies needs an A+ level jobber for their TV shows. Anyone have a connection there?
I think it'll be time to wind down soon. I'll still partake in a match here-and-there. I just think it's almost time for me to step away from the front of the camera and create some magic behind it...or start a new hobby altogether.
I've been the King of Customs ;) for a decade plus and wrestling professional off-and-on for over 20 years. What's next? Maybe you can guide me
I’m response to Patrick , everything I know about pro wrestling and the nuances , I learned from Cam. He is THE best.
Have you ever thought about training others? Some of us older guys would enjoy actually learning stuff.
Wonderful that you are able to use your fame to help raise funds for these worthy causes. Thank you for doing that!
Sounds like quite the gauntlet you’ve put yourself through recently. While I love what you do behind the camera, I’m hoping you still do get in front of the camera for W4H action.
You have been an awesome jobber for yeeeaars, BUT you have become one of the greatest heels! Watching you work over jobbers is so much sexy fun. Who else would pull off that sword fight scene with AJ & Mason (something you should definitely include in more matches).
Wishing you all the best in 2023—thanks for all the enjoyment you’ve created for us! :)
So if we want to order a custom with you, will you give us the last day we can order one with you???
Long Live the King ! Congrats on reaching your fundraising goal and sending nearly 7000.00 north. Cam , you are making a difference !
As Willie Wonka said , “ so goes a good deed in a weary world “ .