I'm in a funk

I'm in a funk

It almost feels like the world is getting back to normal. People seem to be getting out and enjoying activities together. I, myself, have been traveling around with my tag team partner to and from live wrestling events with ACTUAL fans in attendance. Strictly, we've been in the New England areas - Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island & Connecticut. We are making plans to expand our action into Florida, Pennsylvania, New York, California (hopefully) and a few other places. If (and when) England feels safe to travel to and from and within, I will be reaching out to promoters over there so 1 - I can see some friends and 2 - I can wrestle some of the great English talents.

The tag team scene is COMPLETELY different to me than my career as a singles (one-on-one) competitor. To be honest, I don't think I've struggled in wrestling this much...ever. Even as a novice, I was able to hold my own on the levels I was on. So maybe that's part of it. The level of talent has increased. It seems every match on most of the events we do could be considered the "Main Event" or "Match of the Night." Lately, as a team, we haven't lived up to our skill level or our experience. I feel strongly than 2 of my recent matches as a tag team wrestler were likely some of my absolute worst performances of my career, which started way back in 2001. 

The storytelling of a tag team match is different enough that it's a challenge then add in 2 other people with philosophies and ideas on ways to layout a match. I don't want to expose too much of the interworking of professional wrestling, but it's a show and we are working together to paint a story that gets the fan out of their reality and into our strange and fascinating world of play fighting. So between all the different brains (and their differing opinions) being used to create the magic and making sure not only 2 guys look good, but all 4 wrestlers (and sometimes 6 or 8 or 10....or more) look like they are a viable threat to win the match. 

It feels like too many chefs in the kitchen. 

We legitimately spend hours planning and talking over what we will do in our 10-15 minute performance. We've chatted it over handfuls of times before we even sneak our heads through the curtain to strut to the ring. Hell, sometimes I have last second exchanges as I'm getting into "character" listening to my entrance music play and the ring announce say my name. 

I just spent 4.5 hours driving one way then hours choreographing a bout where I attempted to offer my philosophy and opinion on how to make sure the fans in attendance understood the difficult story we were about to tell through the modern art of pro wrestling. I'm not saying I am right. Believe it or not, I've been wrong once....maybe even twice in my life so I'm not perfect ;) 

All kidding aside, I'm exhausted by the time I get there (life and work has me ridiculously busy) but I'm riding the pre-adrenaline rush of performing in fronts of hundreds of people so I'm ready for the matches...they've just been going meh-to-awful lately and I'm frustrated, discouraged and...still tired. 

Have you ever felt this way? Like you've been very good (maybe even great) at something but for some reason you don't have "it" anymore. The magic touch has been lost. If so, let me know how you got through it...or did you just admit defeat to nature? That's not my favorite idea, but if I did take pro wrestling off my list of things to do then I'd have a few more hours to devote to other things I've been slacking on...or perhaps even resting.

It's coming up on one of my favorite holidays in the United States, Independence Day aka the 4th of July. It's a day when I seek out friends, family and fun. I try to celebrate life that day. I've already decided to go off my diet and take some days off from the gym this week to let my body and mind recover. I'm going to take a small business trip to Chicago. While there I am planning to enjoy some adult beverages, lots of pasta and some relaxation after-hours. Hoping this is a great recharge for my soul and gets me out of this wrestling funk.

I'll be planning some more travels this summer and fall. As well, I'll be planning a couple shoots either near the end of summer or beginning of autumn. Looking at Florida, California, New York and/or Boston for these so keep an eye on your email inbox and this blog for more on those.

Stay safe and healthy!




seems Wrestling struggles on the pro indy scene lately. Going from being a very good singles wrestler to struggling to get on the same page with my partner as well as story telling.

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Totally been (am?) where you are and sometimes tough decisions have to be made.

Here’s my suggestion, take it for what it’s worth. If you’re not feeling the tagteam I wouldn’t force it. You’re at a stage in your life where if you have to try hard you die hard. If it IS something you really want to do well then get some help with your other obligations so you can spend more time improving your tagteam abilities. You know you’re capable, you just are probably stretched too thin to really lock it in.

Good luck with what you decide to do and please let me know if I can be of assistance with behind the scenes stuff. Even though I’m pretty stretched myself I’d make time to help!


It is time for you to bring considerable order and structure to your life. You are at an age where everything will crumble if you don’t limit reduce the number of initiatives you launch. The whole W4H concept also needs review. It seems like it might be becoming a male torment/male bondage site more than a wrestling forum. If that is the business plan and it is working, that is one positive consideration. If it is lagging in interest and revenue production, that speaks poorly of it. And, to what extent do the spandex muscle men being bound and tormented suggest some latent thoughts and desires that may need to be reviewed in a more analytical and less overtly physical way? Open the windows and let the sunshine and cool breeze bring greater clarity to your life and its endeavors.


Cameron, when you’re in a funk or if you’re stuck, remember two things: one, change is as hard as you make it, and second, stop being married to what your life is supposed to look like. I’m sure as a high school wrestler, you never imagined in your wildest dreams that you would be where you’re at today doing the things you’re doing. Believe right now that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be in your life and go with it. If you think you’ve run your course as a singles competitor, then let those feelings go, and stop making yourself the point. Why are you a wrestler? Why do you put on the tights and the trunks for small crowds and large crowds? And one more thing, it’s time to not let your feelings run your show. https://markmanson.net/fuck-your-feelings


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