Holiday Post
Finally! Yes, finally. After running into numerous issues with the blog and website I am now able to post an updated blog entry. A lot has gone on as far as improvements to the site and fixes to issues that popped up. Thanks for your patience with these problems.
Thank you for the kind birthday wishes. I had a blast on my birthday in London. Got lots of cool gifts from fans, friends and family. Bunch of great books and cards. Much appreciated.
I have some plans to re-launch the more simple website that used to have before this. Not sure if it’s a wise idea or not, so I could use some input. I’d maintain and keep this site up-to-date, but would use the other one as a secondary site for people who found it simpler to use. Thoughts?
Spent a week in England recently with a friend. I always enjoy spending time over there. Was refreshing to get away from my hometown and experience some more European culture. Went to a Christmas party with some friends in Central England. Man, those guys really know how to have a good time. Looking forward to my next trip north. Stopped by the National Gallery in London during my vacation. Great seeing some Van Gogh art. Probably my favorite painter to see art of.
Did a few Christmas activities while in London, like checking out Winter Wonderland and caught a couple Peter Pan plays. My favorite being the one at the National Theatre. Well-done for sure. Very enjoyable.
Took a quick trip to Iceland. Wow! What a beautiful country. Definitely need to return during the Summer months to catch a few more things that I want to check off my list. Even caught a glimpse of the Northern Lights. Strongly recommend going to Iceland.
As for upcoming plans, I have a shoot planned for January 4th in Northern New England. My last one before heading south for the winter (or for good). Right now the roster is looking pretty great….
-Guido Genatto
-Drake Marcos
-Brad Barnes
-Braden Charron
-Chet Chastain
-Zach Reno
and possibly, Cam Zagami.
I hope this all goes as planned, but I always expect a hiccup or two. However, it always works out. If you have a custom video request, shoot me an e-mail and we will see if we can make it happen. info@wrestler4hire.com
Like I said, I’ll be heading south after this shoot. Will be wrestling my way south with my schedule looking like this: January 5th – NYC; January 6th – Philadelphia & Washington, DC; January 7th – Washington, DC; January 8th & 9th – South Carolina & Georgia; January 10th – Florida.
Drop me a line if you want to schedule a beating info@wrestler4hire.com
I will also be heading to Los Angeles & San Francisco in late January or early February. Dallas area and Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis & Iowa will also be on my list. Anywhere else I should venture to?
Doing a Facebook Live chat with Guido Genatto on January 4th at 9 PM (Eastern Time)…may have some surprise guests on as well, so make sure you check it out. The chat will last about 30 minutes and will give you a personal inside look at one of the most vicious heels on the underground (and pro) scene.
Hope Christmas was great and be safe this New Year’s Eve. I will be hanging around my hometown with family and friends then heading off to Boston around January 3rd before I make the drive back south.
Looking forward to feedback.