HeroHunks.com Launch…and more!
Forgive me for the short blog post. I had a private wrestling match the other day in Boston and think I’ve sprained my thumb. It’s been over a week now and there is still lingering pain/tenderness. Texting, typing and grabbing things has been a little more difficult lately.
I wanted to FINALLY announce that my Superhero-themed website, HERO HUNKS, is now officially open. I’ve kept it very simple. At least I hope. There are just 3 videos currently on the site, with one new video being added every week. The site is strictly Streaming Rental or Download-To-Own. No MEMBER VIDEOS like on this site. I think it’ll keep things straight-forward and you’ll be able to select only what interests you.
Here are the 3 videos currently available….
This is what you can expect from www.HeroHunks.com over the next few months. Let me know your thoughts
Lastly, I’ve adjust the BLOG page with a better layout, as I am planning to have GUEST BLOGGERS. My roommate helped me with the idea. I’m a fan of his mind when it comes to costumes, storylines and other wrestling or gay lifestyle insight. He’s already sent me a few samples and I’ll be posting them more often. I’ll still do a blog, but I think the more frequent posts will give you more reasons to visit the site…Heck, maybe even you could do a guest blog. Share some of your opinions.
I’m, also, planning to interview wrestlers on the blog, so send me some questions you have and feedback on which roster members you’d like me to interview first, info@wrestler4hire.com
Off to write an e-mail newsletter then I’ll be able to rest my injured thumb. Stay well