Happy Holidays – 25% Off

Happy Holidays – 25% Off

Wow! What a last few months it has been.

The shoots have gone well. Continuously improving. Always great finding the right guys to mix together for matches and in the locker room.

I keep getting asked when I’ll be posting the new stuff with Scrappy, Christian Thorn aka Clayton & Joey Nux aka Joey Justice. Well, I’m finalizing the trailers and will be adding them for January, February & March. Expect a TON of awesome new videos/matches to start of the new year.

I’ve been trying to wait until January to set up two shoots, but I don’t know if it’s possible. So many good looking wrestlers and so many options for matches…plus I have a few surprises in store…including former TV wrestlers debuting for Wrestler4Hire. I’ll be keeping those a secret until I film with them, but you may catch a sneak peek over on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram.

Speaking of social media, I just posted a coupon code for the remainder of the year.

I’ll be sending that out with the newsletter tomorrow, as well. Over the weekend, I’ll be finishing the categories for the YEAR END AWARDS POLL that will be being sent out via the mailing list. So, if you haven’t yet, sign-up to cast your votes.

Answered 200+ emails this evening. I believe I got to everyone. You know the routine, if I missed you, just shoot me another e-mail. It’s hard keeping track of everything and I appreciate the patience you have. I am aiming for the best year yet in 2018…as I am sure you are, also.

Have you seen this year’s Cavey Awards by Alex Miller? He’s got some great insight and I always enjoy checking out his blog. W4H was named in many categories including #2 in Wrestling Companies. That’s great a feat considering I wasn’t even mentioned last year. Hoping to claim the throne in 2018.

CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE CAVEY AWARDS – including Matches, Wrestlers and more

GIFs created by Alex Miller’s Cave

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