Christmas, My Birthday & Covid

Christmas, My Birthday & Covid

I caught Covid! Yup, you read that right. I was on the shelf for over 2 weeks with symptoms and a positive test result, even got to lose my sense of taste. I was lucky and the symptoms were relatively tame - no fever, no body aches. I've been throwing lots of vitamins down my throat every morning for months, so I think that helped me. I know a few of my friends had it, including my tag team partner, who had the worst symptoms. We are both mostly recovered and back to normal. Some effects still linger, so we'll keep an eye on them to see if there will be long-term concerns, but I shouldn't be able to catch it again for a couple months. Let's hope I don't catch it a 2nd time. Can't imagine I'll be as lucky.

The good news, if you can call it such, is that I had to cancel an upcoming pro wrestling match this weekend. No, no, that's not the good news. The good news is that I've been enjoying the sweet stuff. Pie, pizza, ice cream, pastas and take out from some unhealthy places. I missed out on the good stuff on my only scheduled "Cheat Day," so I was more than happy to partake in the high fat foods I have been avoiding. I'll have to get back on course with my diet for our January matches. Heck, maybe I'll just become a true Jr. Heavyweight with some grown man muscle. 

I'm absolutely ecstatic for the holiday season. It's easily my favorite time of year, even with the cold weather and snow. Yes, it's already laid down a few layers of snow this year, but it's all melted for now.

Now, I've never had an extravagant Christmas. Rather they've all been simple and small. I'm not in it for the presents, especially these days. It's all about hanging out with people you care about. The presence of those people is the true gift. No matter how corny it sounds. My tree has already been up since Halloween. It'll remain up long after the holiday festivities have ceased.

Plus my birthday is at the beginning of this glorious month :)

It used to be thrilling unwrapping gifts and receiving material items, but I've changed a tad in my greying years. Now I'm looking to help out more within my community and the communities I've been apart of. I'll save the long winded explanation as I've written more about it over here

I, also, included a killer photo of my climb up the meanest mountain in Maine this summer - Mount Katahdin - so if nothing else check it out for that summertime view from Northern New England.

If you'd like to send me a birthday or holiday card, shoot me an e-mail and I'll give you an address where I can get it.

I haven't been up to much really. Just laying in bed and on the couch. Sometimes playing piano or guitar. Trying to learn Jingle Bells and a couple tunes by Michael Jackson, Eric Clapton, Elton John....and Baby Shark.

Going to try to finish a couple books this weekend and start a couple new ones. I'll be busy with my Gram's medical appointments and cancer treatments for the next few weeks before Christmas then I'll see some family once that calms down. Take it some holiday lights and some classic Christmas movies. Any recommendations? 

Should be setting up a shoot for late January and February when I get back to Florida...depending on the lockdown and Covid situation. I'd also like an excuse to get out west. Need some new scenery before I get too restless. Anyone got spare bed or couch I can surf on?

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Cameron, stay safe for a while. I hope you had an amazing birthday. May your holidays be blessed.


So sorry to hear you caught Covid, but thankfully it sounds like you have gotten past it. Sounds like you are doing all the right things in regard to a safe recovery. I whine about the Massachusetts weather, but can’t compare to the cold and snow of Maine. May just have to give you a challenge, while you are out of shape. LOL Be well and have a great Christmas in this truly insane year.

Chris Walsh

Cam, Sorry to hear about your Covid. You’re in a high risk occupation where you ‘re exposed to a lot of people. Take care of yourself, and hope you don’t have any lingering effects. They can be vicious! I’ve written one article for the mental health advocacy blog, “Mad in America” on state hospitals and electroshock, and in the process of writing another. If you have any interest in what many consider this highly risky treatment for severe depression, catatonia, and bipolar disorder, I’ll send you a link. Mike.

Mike Sturman

Happy Birthday Cameron! Sorry to hear you got the rona but glad you are feeling better. If you ever decide to do a shoot in Denver you’re always welcome to stay at my place. It’s a great city and the mountains are awesome. Stay healthy!

Tim Marshall

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