And The Winner’s Are…(2019)
I’ve been battling fatigue (and perhaps a cold) for the last week or so. It hasn’t stopped me but it has made me nap a lot. It’s been a highly productive 2020. A lot to talk about, but I want to wait to make that a separate blog post in a couple weeks or so. I do, however, want to thank you for the support with my Holiday/Birthday Fundraiser. It was not as successful as in previous years, but I was able to donate more money to the cause from my personal funds and make it the biggest donation ever from you and I in honor of my high school English teacher who battled cancer numerous times and made a huge impact on countless lives in my home community. Thank you for your kindness!
Now, with the Oscars getting ready to take over television tonight, let’s reveal the awards that truly matter…Let’s start with Wrestler4Hire then announce the Hero Hunks first-ever award winners.
Favorite Heel 2019
Gabe Steele
It seems this year was taken over by Gabe Steele and his legion of supporters as they made sure he was in the top of nearly every category. Great campaigning by Gabe. I think we’ll see a few break out heels in 2020, as lots of guys are picking up their aggression and intensity. Gabe & Guido better watch out, because I foresee more than just a couple wrestlers coming for the throne.
2nd Place: Guide Genatto
3rd Place: Ethan Andrews
Honorable Mention: Donnie Dukes
Favorite Jobber 2019
Ace Owens
I’ve been a fan of Ace Owens for years now. I tell all kinds of my pro wrestling friends that he’s gonna be a break out star…all he needs is to be given the platform and free reign. His in-ring selling is spectacular and he always knows how to place to goods for the camera to pick up. As well, his out-of-the-ring character is quiet, kind and low-key humorous. I’m glad that I am not the only one who is seeing the greatness of this Ace.
Honorable Mention: Gabe Steele
Top Newcomer 2019
Gabe Steele
When I first met Gabe he was a bit quiet and shy. Always a polite guy. It took a little bit for him to get comfortable, but once he did he really settled in and showcased his talents. He spends hours wrestling, training and studying the game. He even beat out one of the top upcoming independent wrestlers, Channing Travolta in this category. Heck, I’ve been telling people Channing is destined for WWE fame. Let’s hope we get to enjoy him a little bit longer before he gets his call to the big leagues.
2nd Place: Channing Travolta
3rd Place: Iceman
Honorable Mention: Bobby Bryce
Favorite Match 2019
Ethan Andrews & Gabe Steele vs. Matty O’Boy & Zacky Darlin
Nearly a tie, as only 1 vote separated first and second place. Either of these matches could’ve taken home to gold, but this rare tag team match deserves it. They put in the time, energy and had the skills to pull off a match that is often put chaos and catastrophe. Two real-life boyfriends take on two dominant heels bound for the Underground Wrestling Hall of Fame. Great story! Great action!
2nd Place: Jaxton Wheeler vs. Jacob Van Acker
3rd Place: Christian Thorn vs. Scrappy
Honorable Mention: Joey Nux vs. Gabe Steele
Favorite Big vs. Small Match 2019
Brute Baynard vs. Dashing Dustin
Landslide victory. Brute has to weigh AT LEAST 100 pounds more than Dashing Dustin. Impressive match that I filmed this in my backyard. My buddy has a house that I rent and his garage is set-up with one of the most marvelous wrestling arenas. He rarely let’s me use it but thankfully on this day he did. Dustin doesn’t know a lot, but he suffers so well. Brute is pure muscle and knows how to work over an opponent…especially a Twink.
I personally enjoy Minion School. It was an instant classic. We all knew it when it was filmed. I’d like to say that this is an upset victory, but your votes show it was the clear favorite.
2nd Place: Ricky Vegas, Nick Justice & Gabe Steele (Minion School Part 2)
3rd Place: Cameron vs. Max Quivers
Honorable Mention: Chace LaChance vs. Jessie Lee
Hottest Body 2019
For the 2nd voting session in a row, Scrappy lands this award…and it is easy to see why. Scrappy isn’t the biggest guy in most of his bouts, but I’d say it is safe to say he has the most muscle mass you can possibly pack onto a frame. Surely I’ve seen muscles on Scrappy’s body that I had no idea existed.
2nd Place: Jacob Van Acker
3rd Place: Gabe Steele
Honorable Mention: Joey Nux, Braden Charon
Best Smile 2019
Gabe Steele
Gabe may have the brightest, whitest smile I’ve ever seen and it’s brought out to shine even more against his tanned skin. It changes over the course of a day. Sometimes it’s a shy smile, sometimes an arrogant grin, and sometimes it’s hard to describe. Blake has a huge smile that is pure joy and Jacob has something of a movie star look when he smiles. Definitely not the typical tough guy menacing looks with these studs.
2nd Place: Blake Starr
3rd Place: Jacob Van Acker
Best Arms 2019
Between Gabe and Scrappy is there an award that they cannot win? Scrappy looks good in any outfit he wears. He’s got a positive attitude and the guns he carries around with him aren’t just for show. Perhaps the perfectly built specimen. Z-Man brings that classic physique even in his 100th year alive. The dude is like a vampire, never ages! It’s tough to book Z-Man due to his intense schedule of acting, dancing and whatever else he’s been doing. I definitely need to get all 3 of these hunks together for some action soon.
2nd Place: Z-Man
3rd Place: Joey Nux
Best Legs 2019
Hard to compete against Scrappy in any body part contest. Chace has some great legs and they always look great. Same with the massive thighs of Braden and Joey but they weren’t enough for the 5’7″, 165 pound stud.
2nd Place: Chace LaChance
3rd Place (tie): Joey Nux & Braden Charron
Butt of the Year 2019
Ever since I was robbed multiple years in a row…and not even nominated this year after exposing the sweet cheeks this year at BG East, I am glad that my real fans have decided I deserve to be recognized…even if unfairly to the other studs on the Wrestler4Hire team, including my old roommate Braden. So I say thank you and Nanana-na-boo-boo to Big Braden
2nd Place: Jacob Van Acker
3rd Place: Braden Charron
Future Champion 2019
Gabe Steele
HUGE win over the 2nd place podium winner! This is my favorite award to see, as you tend to know exactly what the future of the underground wrestling world wants. The last winner (2 years ago) was Austin Cooper and he’s gone on to cement his legacy as a true legend in the world of wrestling. I think a real match between Winner and Runner-up must take place to see who the true King of Sport will be.
2nd Place: Scrappy
3rd Place: Joey Nux
Honorable Mention: Iceman
Favorite Villain 2019
Cerebral Shadow (Gabe Steele)
Gabe just takes control of opponents when he’s in the role of heel or villain. It was no exception when he played the role of Cerebral Shadow against Steel Man. Seems to be nothing like a mastermind using his powers to control the muscle hunks.
2nd Place: Mental Mind (Ethan Andrews)
3rd Place: Midnight Mauler (Joey Nux)
Favorite Hero 2019
Sidekick Scrappy
Scrappy takes to a role like no one else I’ve seen. I’m not the only one who thinks the guy should head out to Hollywood and pursue a career as an actor. Whether he’s being a pro wrestler, superhero, goodie or baddie, he gets right into it and adopts the persona as his real self. I’ve gotten lost in the stories that Scrappy creates especially in Hero Hunks.
2nd Place: Crimson Fury (Chace LaChance)
3rd Place: Dash (Blake Starr)
Honorable Mention: Steel Man (Braden Charron)
Hottest Video 2019
Sidekick Scrappy vs. Dr. Hypno
The hypnotic control that Dr. Hypno uses over the helpless mind-controlled superhero proved to be a hot concept. I wasn’t knowledgeable about how to properly do these types of videos, but these two did an incredible job in their roles. I look forward to bringing Dr. Hypno (Donnie Dukes) down for more shoots. He’s a highly skilled and talented performer.
2nd Place: Silver Serpent vs. Sidekick Scrappy
3rd Place: Mental Mind vs. Crimson Fury
Honorable Mention: Cerebral Shadow vs. Steel Man
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Joey Nux