2 Months of Hunks

2 Months of Hunks

It’s going on 1 am and I’m just finishing up editing all the videos from this past Friday’s superhero themed video shoot for Hero Hunks. I’m enjoying the progression I’ve made on this batch. Definitely increased the sexuality of all 13 video scenes. I look forward to releasing the videos over the next 13 weeks and encourage all feedback on how I can continue to get better at making videos you enjoy.

A brief summary on what was recorded on Friday…

-Batman & Robin vs. Riddler…Batman stripped to his tight undies and chained to a cage while watching his sidekick punished.

-Batman vs. Nightwing…someone say “Fuck Batman”? That was a mistake on their part. Costumes definitely got ripped and destroyed

-Superman (Joey Nux) vs. Superboy (Scrappy)

-Superman vs. Le x Luther…you know kryptonite was definitely involved in subduing the Man of Steel!

-Dr. Hypno mind controls sexy superhero studs into punishing themselves and doing WHATEVER he demands of them.

That’s enough for a tease from me. What I really wanted to discuss is a review of the last 2 months of releases on HeroHunks.com 

My Top 5 Favorite Hero Hunk Releases

5. Clark Kent/Superman vs. Black Bandit
This was a fun video to shoot and almost made me feel like a real Hollywood director. Clark Kent was on the scene about to find a big clue in an on-going crime, but was drugged by the dark villain, Black Bandit played by my old roommate, Braden Charron.

Cali Boy played the roles of Clark Kent and Superman…and I think it’s safe to say that he was a perfect fit for both characters. He’s got the looks of a movie star and he’s got an excellent build like a superhero.

Something about that black latex suit makes me think immediately of a heel/villain. I actually have the guys put it on backwards and show a little pec cleavage because I think it looks hotter.

4. Batman vs. Robin

Joey Nux became an instant favorite of mine upon our first time meeting. He’s a genuinely great guy. Always has a smile on his face (unless he’s playing the baddie) and always gives you his attention. Definitely makes shoot days more enjoyable having him “on set.”

I knew as soon as I decided to do a hero themed website that I MUST do Batman vs. Robin. Something just screamed out that slight nuisance Robin needed to be shown some tough love from the Head Bat In-Charge. I had the perfect Robin in my mind…Blake Starr. He’s got the naivety down…plus look at the shredded body he brings to every shoot. Definitely shouts, “dominate my pathetic ass.”

These two feel like the real crime fighting duo. I’ve included using them to play these characters and look forward to more scenes featuring these two in action. Blake Starr has crushed my hopes of ever taking over the Hollywood role of the Boy Wonder.

3. Black Bandit vs. Sidekick Scrappy

Two original characters. Well, as original as I can expect from myself at this stage. Scrappy has the perfect speedo on and hides just enough of his boyish face to pull off a superhero look. When he gets to a shoot, he’s ready for action…and he rarely wants to take a break. In fact, he actually filmed 7 matches here the other day on just 2 hours of sleep. It’s not often that I run into someone who can barely sleep the night before a shoot and go full steam all day for 14 hours. Definitely nice when others can run with you.

Actually, thinking about it Braden is a machine like that, too. He stayed over the night before the shoot. Got in at 1 in the morning, but we stayed up chatting until 3 or 4 am then he got up with the sun to get in a workout before the shoot. To top that he grabbed another workout mid-shoot. I think he plays the Black Bandit character very well. His muscles bulging in that latex.

Braden has come a long way since we first met back in 2005 at BG East. He’s not JUST a muscle jobber anymore. In this video, he dominates Sidekick Scrappy who has been gassed and poisoned by the dark force. Scrappy suffers so well. Not only do you see the pain and pleasure in his face, but his chiseled body as well.

 2. Spidey vs. Scarlett Skull

I honestly gotta give credit to Jaxton Wheeler for this one. To be fair, the only interest I had in this one at first was to see my favorite childhood hero, Spidey. Now, I’ve personally played Spider-man a few times in my life…in private matches and some videos. No, I won’t reveal who is in the costume, but I bet you may be able to ponder a guess or two.

Back to the man that made this happen, Jaxton. He had all kinds of kinky ideas to humiliate the spandex clad mischievous hero. What an evil man he is.

I like watching superheroes (and even wrestlers) suffer from a good poison gas. There are a bunch of ways to sell the effects of the potentially deadly vapors. Each guy seems to have a slightly different take (or approach) to their poisoning. On top of the great gas scene, the owner of the facility that I rent in Florida, helped us capture the goodie in a cargo net then hang him from the ceiling. Definitely was a fun production and I got to enjoy something fully live for a change.

 1. White Wolf vs. Tsunami

This is my favorite. It stars someone I consider a friend, Christian Thorn versus one of the biggest up-and-coming stars on the underground scene. Both guys are great to have at shoots and make sure to keep things fun.

Christian is an athlete, so he catches on really quick. So much so that Jonny Firestorm was trying to get him to do crazy pro wrestling moves that took us years to learn…AND he actually did them. I’ve put him in the ring and on the mat with all experience levels and he always makes it intriguing to watch.

In this match, I taught he and Scrappy a few moves that I thought would add some superhero like stunts to this match-up. We went over things like a flying headscissor takeover and hurricanrana (or is it a Frankensteiner?). I legitimately only went over the moves two, maybe three times and the guys had them figured out.

Scrappy is INSANELY strong. I’ve seen 240 pound guys struggle to press 170 pounders. Scrappy just hoists the victim in the air with ease…and he’s only 165 pounds himself. It’s gotta be the most power pound-for-pound on the roster.

Both guys are upcoming superheroes who are competing to join The League. I don’t recall who won in the end, but both are definitely going to be in future videos. In fact, Scrappy just dominated Braden Charron as White Wolf. Stripped him right out of his trunks even.


So in conclusion…(just kidding, this isn’t a college term paper)

Looking for your thoughts on these videos and on upcoming videos. Also, what are your thoughts on Special FX?

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