2nd Catalog
Wow! That took longer than expected. You would think by now that I'd start to realize things never go smoothly and almost always take longer than planned. I'm only a week behind, so who I am too complain about the delay. If anything, I owe you an apology for the wait...but you didn't know I had planned to release the 2nd NHB Fights Catalog a week ago, soooooooo...I'll pretend I'm right on track.
I've done 2 shoots since the initial shoot. One at my studio late one evening with some friends and another in New York City. I'm always looking for new faces for this site and I had some buddies in town for a Wrestler4hire shoot, so we knocked down my Hero Hunks set and did some real-life wrestling. We went late into the night. I think we didn't end up finishing the fun until 1 or 2 in the morning. Drew Harper kept wanting to get his ass kicked. I think he may have had some liquid courage in him. Not only did I whoop his ass after we wrestled on video, but two more of my friends did too.
It's a lot harder to find skilled grapplers with the endurance needed for a 20 minute full bore wrestling bout. I get a little chuckle when these guys come in full steam then peter out 3 minutes into a match. All those muscles, but a victim of the horsepower. Personally, that's when I attack. Hell, if I'm honest, that's when I start toying with them.
I haven't been on the mat as much as I'd like, but definitely have been having a lot of matches go on in front of me. In NYC, we shot at the infamous NHB-Battle studio. That was a trip down memory lane.
There must have been 12 to 15 wrestlers throughout the day. Two guys no showed and a bunch of others were one-and-done. Luckily, I know a fair amount of wrestlers in New York City and they just kept coming in. Really wish Chet Chastain would've been there though. I don't know what his skill level is on the mats, but it'd be fun to see if he has what it takes outside the pro wrestling world...and, at the very least, watch him get destroyed.
Above is a pic of about half the guys...some left before the pic could be taken and others hadn't even shown up yet.
I'll be looking for more wrestlers in the Spring & Summer months around Florida, New York City, Boston & Los Angeles. If you think you have what it takes or know someone who does please shoot me a message. I'd be expecting to do NYC around the beginning or middle of May and I always have my mats available in Tampa Bay area.
Unfortunate that I likely won't see the NCAA Wrestling Championships. I haven't sought out any news about it, but I assume at this point all big events are canceled. I did catch the Big Ten Championships and ACC Championships. What happened at 133 lbs? DeSanto better get it together. Some really good matches in the finals. Man, I hope they don't cancel the big one or at least only reschedule for a couple weeks away. Lots of big matches I'm excited to see. Maybe if these guys can't do it in a big arena, I could entice them to come over for a night on the mats with me behind the video camera. Settling scores. Maybe even some shirtless matches. Anyone know how to make this happen?
Alright, so this is the new catalog, I think there is a lot in there that you'll enjoy. I'll be releasing Catalog #3 in 6 to 8 weeks. I think that's a reasonable schedule. Gives you time to enjoy all the videos from the current catalog without the rush and financial drain of trying to watch them all in a short time.
Stay Healthy!