Heavy sigh...

Heavy sigh...

I've been meaning to write this blog for about 3 months now. My life has been so busy that when I find a moment to sit down to do this that I decide to just turn on YouTube or wander around my backyard looking at the stars. Life is funny that way. 

If you don't know, I've been SUPER BUSY. I thought life in small town New England would be A LOT slower and less hectic...but I've picked up a few hobbies and responsibilities since I've been up here. 

I recently have been traveling all over New England and to Chicago for pro wrestling matches. I'm back on the scene with my tag partner. It's taken us a year (and change) to get it together but I feel we are finally ready to showcase our skillset. It's odd. I was fairly successful as a singles wrestler, but figuring out the tag team wrestling game has proven a challenge....especially since I take criticism and advice so deeply. I've forgotten why I was so (relatively) successful in the first place. 

In the last month plus we've been taking private coaching lessons (via Zoom) from a former WWE Superstar and champion. It's reminded me of all the things I've learned over 20+ years in the wrestling game. It's strange. I'm still (kind of) young, but I've been playing in this Pro Wrestling field since I was 14 years old. So much has seemingly changed in my eyes, but when it boils down to it, we're still doing the same thing. I forgot that and tried to change who I was and am. In the upcoming months I think I'm gonna go back to having fun and doing what I know.

That's probably boring to read, but it feels right getting it off my chest. I've been back to wrestling on the Indy scene for over a year and it feels like I'm constantly regressing. The one thing that I used to find pure confidence in had changed course...or so I thought. I've been trying to follow what everyone else is doing and forgot that my uniqueness was the key to my (again, relative) success.

Don't get me wrong, I've been having fun. My old (and current) tag team partner/friend and I have been spending a lot more time together, which has brought me much joy. We've been able to sit in the car for hours laughing and smiling like old times. I missed that. Life gets crazy and I lost sight of that friendship, so I am glad to be sharing moments and joy with him.

Is this boring to read? The last breaths of a dinosaur? I should've checked off all my wrestling bucket list items a decade ago, but I'm still out here trying to compete with the young guys. Some whom have been watching me since they were kids. Others whom I've offered advice and opinion to when they were just starting out. Now, I'm wondering how I can fit into the current landscape.  

Most the time that I post a blog, I prefer to talk about the basic going-ons of life and the website. I want you to enjoy coming to this place, ya know? Lately I have been focused on becoming a contender on the pro scene. Somebody more important than the bottom of the card. I'll keep at it, but I can't lose vision of what got me here.

I feel like this has let me say what I felt I needed to say, but that's also makes me feel like I haven't given you an appropriate update on things.

I'm planning a shoot in Boston on October 23rd. I've got some great guys lined up including legends like Braden Charron & Tristan Baldwin. I also have a new bodybuilder named Tank coming in as well as Donnie Dukes and myself. I'm working on getting 1 or 2 more guys, so if you know any New England based studs then send them my way.

Other than that, I've been staying busy with real life stuff. It's complicated getting older. You try to be so many things to so many people that you feel run down and exhausted all the time. 

I'm anxiously looking forward to returning to Florida this winter. The housing market is outrageous so I may just find a spot on the beach or some mediocre apartment to crash at. The warm sun and congested roads will hopefully provide my soul a little reprieve from the redundancy of the Northeast. Maybe I'll buy a cheap ass camper to wander around in. 

Not sure if you can relate to this, but I need something besides the day-to-day monotony to keep me feeling inspired motivated. Please don't think I sound morose. I love life. I just want to experience A LOT!

Give me some great insight or feedback on how I can get the most out of this short ride....puh-lease :)

Back to blog


I have only been around for 59 years. What I have learned is always be honest to yourself, respond thoughtfully or say nothing, tell and show the people in your life who you love that you love them every day and often, and learn one new thing a year. It can be anything, learn a language, skeet shooting, playing bridge, whatever strikes your fancy and continue to improve that skill the rest of your life. Lastly be willing to be proven wrong, you will be better for it. Good luck perfecting yourself and remember you are a work in process not a perfection.

Donald E. Crandall, Jr.

As the other posters have noted the real life update was genuinely very interesting—earnest and honest as always. I think that sets you apart in the business. As to how you keep life interesting in the midst of the rush of daily obligations, I think it is slowing down occasionally to catch satisfying moments. It is one thing to have a satisfying event—a match that goes well or a dinner with friends that goes swimmingly. What has always helped sustain me (and which I’ve sometimes been too preoccupied to notice for years at a time) is slowing down enough for a few seconds every day to linger on the the budding of trees in spring, a ridiculous moment with a pet, appreciating a funny street sign (in our area we have a Nathan Lane and a Hardman Avenue!). Whatever it is that speaks to your spirit. Pursuing dreams, though, is never a waste. And in retrospect, in my experience at least, the pursuit is often more memorable than the arrival so do enjoy the chase!


I think we all have the feelings you describe. Thank you for sharing.

I think it’s cathartic for all!

Take and be well! Much success in slm you do!


Looks like your going back to what has gotten you to where you are now. Can’t wait to see what you have coming down the road.

Henry Wagner

Glad to see ya back, Cameron! The monotony of day to day life can definitely take it’s toll – just keep sticking to your goals and finding the balance between your personal and professional lives. Once you find that sweet spot, things will be good as gold!

On a side not, it’d be great to see The Mountain back in the ring for the October shoot – have him clobber those punk jobbers with his sweaty pits!


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